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VINCI Construction signs the Cancer@Work charter and pledges to support greater inclusion around chronic illness.

Pierre Anjolras, President of VINCI Construction, signed the Cancer@Work charter, in the presence of Anne-Sophie Tuszynski, Founder of Cancer@Work, a non-profit organisation that works to promote inclusion and maintain the employment of people affected by cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Every day, 1,200 people find out they have cancer. Of those, 400 have jobs. Currently, one-third of people diagnosed with the disease do not go back to work. Chronic illness can be devastating and have a considerable impact on the personal and professional lives of people affected by it. These diseases can cause tremendous physical, emotional and financial changes that make it difficult to manage the illness and continue working. It is important for employers to understand the unique challenges their employees are confronted with and provide them with the appropriate support to help them cope with these hardships.

Anne-Sophie Tuszynski, Founder of Cancer@Work.

As the first company in the building and public works sector to sign the charter, VINCI Construction pledges to:

  • Teach people about cancer and chronic disease and recast images around these illnesses in its companies.
  • Support the creation of a favourable environment for people with cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • Promote management practices and behaviours that apply the principle of non-discrimination, especially concerning occupational health and the professional integration and development of people affected by disease.


VINCI Construction will draw on the organisation’s experience to build action plans at its entities in France and gradually at other business units worldwide, to make it easier for people directly impacted by cancer and other chronic diseases to stay in or return to their job and to create a welcoming, supportive work environment. These initiatives will also give consideration to the special circumstances of caregivers, to provide them with appropriate and caring support.

At VINCI Construction, we focus on people in our organisation. We are committed to helping our employees grow at our companies, but we must also support them through hardships they may face in their life. That is why we have decided to join Cancer@Work, to strengthen this support and take further steps in building sustainable career paths,

stated Pierre Anjolras on behalf of the 116,000 VINCI Construction employees worldwide

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