Inclusion through employment
The construction industry has always opened up career prospects and upward mobility opportunities, enabling people who start out with no qualifications to grow into skilled jobs then on to a variety of supervisory and management positions.
Over the years, VINCI Construction has entrenched inclusion through employment in its corporate culture while working on a variety of initiatives with local partners.
Our Vision
We train, support and recruit people who are on the outer fringes of the job market or cut off from opportunities, to open the door to greater social diversity.
Our mesurables objectives
Hire people on the outside of the job market (local minorities or people in difficult social and economic circumstances) on long-term contracts as part of our annual recruitment drive.
How we take action
Action for inclusion through employment includes integration programmes, particularly for socially disadvantaged local minorities, and opening doors into the world of work for youths from deprived neighbourhoods or secluded rural areas.
In addition to its day-to-day action at each of its bases, VINCI Construction sets up organisations tasked with providing paths to long-term employment.
Aminata KONATE speaks about her experience
Aminata joined VINCI Construction on a permanent contract, as a formwork hand, at the end of her integration path.